Digital Production 120

Digital Production 120 is a performance-based course that focuses on the applied use of digital media and explores the appropriate legal and ethical dealings. It is intended to develop digital literacy through a skills-based approach. This course offers students opportunities to produce different forms of media, particularly in areas of digital imaging, web design, audio and video production. 

Click on image to enlarge

Extra Help: If, at any time, a student is having difficulty in the course, extra help is available.

Absenteeism: Any student who misses a class is responsible for the material he/she misses. The assignments will be posted on the Digital Production 120 course blog. 

Note: Students are expected to complete class work and assignments within a reasonable time frame. Work that is not completed in class is to be finished during lunch hour, after school or for homework. It is necessary for students to complete the assignments, or their lack of participation will be addressed according to school policy.

Each Unit: 20%
There is a final assessment

Students must obtain a minimum mark of 60% to pass this course.